Thursday, August 14, 2008

Last year, the biggest oil companies made almost $150 billion in profits

—an all-time record.1 But our friends at the Center for American Progress just released a report showing that John McCain wants to give them even more—$39 billion in tax cuts and subsidies.2
It's a stark choice: we can invest in solar panels on our roofs. Wind farms powering our homes. Plug-in hybrids that use barely any gas. New, green jobs revitalizing our communities. Or we can follow John McCain's plan, and keep giving billions of our tax dollars to oil companies.
On Tuesday, we're holding rallies across the country to call for a shift to a clean energy economy—and to make sure voters know John McCain would rather give our tax dollars to help Big Oil than invest in cheap, clean alternatives to oil.
John McCain plans to continue supporting Big Oil profits over clean energy progress—new data for California shows how many millions of our state tax dollars McCain would funnel to Big Oil, and just what that money could do if we used it locally on new clean energy projects. How many windmills. How many houses we could weatherize. How much of an investment we could make in geothermal energy. How many jobs we'd create.
Right now, before the major campaign ad spending starts, may be our last chance to help people see through the rhetoric to the truth: John McCain is on Big Oil's side, not ours. We can have a clean energy future—but not if we elect a candidate who's committed to the policies of the past
1. "Big Oil Earned $236 Per American Driver In The Last Year," Center for American Progress Action Fund, July 31, 2008
2. "The True Cost of McCain's Oil Industry Subsidies for Every State," Center for American Progress Action Fund, August 11, 2008


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