Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Wish forYou in 2009

May peace break into your house and may thieves come to steal your debts.
 May the pockets of your jeans become a magnet for $100 bills.
 May love stick to your face like Vaseline and may laughter assault your lips!
 May your clothes smell of success like smoking tires
 and may happiness slap you across the face and may your tears be that of joy.
May the problems you had forget your home address! In simple words . . . May 2009 be the best year of your life!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Who's jolly and cute,
Wearing a beard and a red flannel suit,
And if he is chuckling and laughing away,
While flying around in a
miniature sleigh,
With eight tiny reindeer to
pull him along, 
Then let's face it...
Your eggnog's too strong!
Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

And the most telling thing...

about this whole ordeal is that the four major Rebumblican players in the game are senators that host foreign auto makers in their states...they should be tried for treason...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

GOP dogs in the manger...Auto rescue bill in peril, opposed by GOP senators

Will they stop at nothing to try and keep the economy down just to make it harder on the new Democratic administration...are they that bitter about their loss of stewardship of this nation...even though they have ground it to a pulp with their obstructionist ways...maybe a super majority wouldn't be such a bad thing...if it made the Rebumblicans think about the public more than themselves...

Hard-fought auto bailout deal in peril as GOP senators voice strong opposition

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The House pressed toward passage of a $14 billion bailout for the nation's imperiled auto industry Wednesday night, but the hard-fought deal between Democrats and the Bush White House was in jeopardy amid strong opposition from GOP senators.
Republicans were in full revolt against their party's lame-duck president over the measure, balking at helping Detroit's struggling Big Three without hefty concessions from autoworkers and creditors, and furious about an environmental mandate House Democrats insisted on including in the measure.
Democratic leaders still held out hope that the emergency aid could be enacted by week's end.
The White House, though not formally endorsing an agreement with congressional Democrats, dispatched administration officials to Capitol Hill to make a case for the rescue package. During a contentious, closed-door luncheon with Senate Republicans, White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten got an earful of criticism from the rank-and-file, some of whom have already announced plans to block the measure.
"They got a good dose," said opponent Tom Coburn, R-Okla., as he emerged from the session.


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

blagojevich obviously thought

 he was just cashing in on the Obamemorabilia craze...he was actually trying to sell the chair barack sat in during his term in the senate...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Are the rebumblicans posturing for 2012...

by not only sabotaging any kind of recovery during the next four years, but maybe even making things worse just to frost the cake...
WASHINGTON—Top Republicans heaped scorn Sunday on a plan by Democrats to spend $25 billion rescuing American automakers, raising doubts about whether the auto bailout can pass the lame-duck Congress that begins today.
"Just giving them $25 billion doesn't change anything," Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona, the Senate's second-ranking Republican, said on Fox News Sunday. "It just puts off for six months or so the day of reckoning."
Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama, the senior Republican on the Senate banking committee, called the plan "a road to nowhere." He called the "Big Three" — Detroit's three major automakers — "a dinosaur," and said on NBC's Meet the Press that they are "not building the right products. … They don't innovate."
Shelby's state is home to plants owned by Honda, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz, foreign-owned companies that would not be eligible for bailout funds under a proposal by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.
Michigan-based General Motors, Ford and Chrysler have made changes in recent years but need help to survive the economic crisis, Levin said on Meet the Press. GM reported last month that it is running out of cash.
If even one of the big three fail the ripple effect in terms of affected industries could be catastrophic...
Let us all pray that the dems get a backbone and use their newfound mandate to actually get past the GOP obstructionists that have brought the approval ratings of the government to all time lows...
The new administration was elected on a promis of change...lets not let the rebumblicans stand in the way...


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Well that's it...

The day has come, finally...all the campaigning, shouting, mudslinging, baby kissing, rubber chicken eating, glad handing, back slapping, speech giving, conspiracy intriguing, lying and general business as usual political theater has culminated to this one day when all who want to can go and cast their vote for the liar of their choice...
Luckily in my neck of the woods either most people voted absentee or didn't vote because I was able to just wisk in and vote...took all of 10 minutes and it was done...
Now the real drama starts as the parties try to dismiss as many of the voters decisions on the other parties lists as they can...hopefully the old folks in florida and the rubes in Ohio will have learned their lessons of the past and been a little more carefull in their procedures...
Let the best man take the mantle and proceed to bring this nation from the brink...who ever he is the time when we should put all this partisan rancor behind us and fall in behind the man that ascends to the position of the most powerful man in all the free world...neither man is totally capable to assume the burden by himself and thusly must surroung himself with the best advise he can assemble...we have seen what can happen when he listens to bad advise...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

the wheels have finally come off...

the McCain bus now that he has made Joe the bumbler his official spokesman...who is more than willing to tell you what he thinks as long as you don't ask him what he bases his opions on...who is paying this guys bills while he tours with mccain-paleone campaign...
on a different McCain sending out coded messages to his sleeper cells to begin their plans to assasinate Obama and secure the throne for Julius McCain...the vaguely vailed hate speech eminating from the likes of Sara "caribou barbie" Palin and McCain is doing as much to bring out the crazies and incite them to horrendous acts against this country...Sean Hannity should be looking into the terrorist tactics of this John McCain just carrying out the orders that his communist programmers hardwired into his brain in the Hanoi Hilton...after all he did sign a confession that he was indeed a "war criminal".  Yet they will tell you about how he endured all kinds of torture rather than be freed before his comrads...think "Price" from Stalag 17....
McCain can only raise his arms up to shoulder level because that's all the higher you need to salute Sieg Heil...
Vote this man into office if you want to send this country completely off the precipice into the yawning chasm of desolation and all probablity Palin, after winning the election, would probably bite off McCains head and suck out what's left of his intestinal fortitude...
Anybody wearing a McCain pin or sporting a bumper sticker, or lawn sign is actually a Rebumblican Zombie awaiting orders to start eating liberal sure and shoot the head because they have no guts, but aim carefully because the brain is so small it can be easily missed...


Monday, October 27, 2008

If there is one thing this election is showing me...

is that an entire political faction can be so completely embodied by ignorant misinformed and mentally challenged individuals...McCain-Palin along with the likes of Sean Hannity should be totally ashamed of the way they have decontextualized this event with lies, half truths and race much so as to have completely terrorized the Rebumblican constituency to the point that the opponent must truly fear for his life...The conservative party has truly turned themselves into a characture of what it must have been like in 1939 nazi germany...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh, the shame...

Clouded waters clear with time...

Ellen Schloemer, executive vice president of the Center for
Lending Self-Help Credit Union in North Carolina, disputed two reasons
many people are blaming for the subprime mortgage mess.
   One is the Community Reinvestment Act, a 1977 law that encourages
activity in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
   "How people can think that a law that's been on the books for 30
somehow precipitated or caused the subprime crisis is frankly just
me," she said. "I think it is a smokescreen. CRA did not apply to most
subprime lenders."
   Also being scapegoated, she said, are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
the two institutions did buy too many risky home loans, their volume
dwarfed by those in the private market, she said. "I think it's
nonsense to blame things not at fault."


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wall Street investors experienced a sudden surge in optimism Tuesday

NEW YORK—Wall Street investors experienced a sudden surge in optimism Tuesday when, after six tumultuous weeks that saw record drops in the Dow Jones industrial average, a $1 bill was spotted on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.
The dollar bill was discovered in the northwest corner of the trading floor at approximately 12:05 p.m., and its condition was reported as "crinkled, but real." Word of the tangible denomination of U.S. currency spread quickly across the NYSE, sending traders into a frenzied rush of shouting, arm-flailing, hooting, hollering, and, according to eyewitnesses, at least one dog pile.
"With credit frozen and the commercial paper market poised on the brink of collapse, this is the most promising development I've seen on Wall Street in months," said floor trader Tim Formato, one of hundreds who gathered around the $1 bill and excitedly called their clients to inform them that they were looking at actual U.S. tender. "I think I touched it."
According to witnesses, the trading floor was soon abuzz with energy, as traders pointed at the dollar and repeatedly shouted "Look!" and "Money!" A proposal to divide the $1 note into 1,300 equal pieces and distribute them amongst investors was considered, but ultimately rejected. Early reports estimate the dollar may have passed through as many as 65 hands before disappearing in the late afternoon.
The bill's absence, however, did not deter the growing enthusiasm from those on the trading floor. By 2:15 p.m., more than 60,000 shares had been purchased in the new publicly traded asset, DLR, after brokers placed a flurry of calls advising their investors to buy into the booming single-dollar market.
By the close of day, economists were estimating the dollar bill's net worth at just under $270 million.
"We couldn't be in a better situation right now," trader Patrick Kady said. "Unless of course it had been a euro."
However, some financial advisers are warning against the rampant speculation the dollar has caused on Wall Street. Many have cautioned investors not to make rash decisions, such as liquidating all their low-risk government bonds in order to sniff the green paper bill for just a minute.
"I bet it smells like rose petals," mutual funds specialist Ken Stoute said. "My friend's friend Tim Formato? He's on the board at Westminster Securities and he says he touched it. He said it was warm and soft and wonderful. He said he knows where it is now, and I can put in an option on seeing it tomorrow for only $85."
Since the appearance of the dollar, the Dow has spiked an impressive 993 points—its largest gain ever. Initial numbers are showing the most sizable rises in technology stocks, a trend some are attributing to Microsoft's CFO Chris Liddell, who toured the trading floor Tuesday morning with the bill stuck to his left shoe.
The overall projection for the market following the incident has been positive, with many analysts claiming that the $1 bill may be an indication of other spare change lying around. This, coupled with reports out of Europe that there is a German college student who has not yet hit her credit card limit this month, could be enough to stabilize the Dow and jump-start the global economy once again.
"This is just another sign that the U.S. economy is as strong and resilient as it has ever been," said Richard Fuld Jr., former CEO of Lehman Brothers. "I'm just glad we finally have these credit and subprime mortgage loan crises behind us. This $1 bill will carry us through another 10 years of reckless, unregulated borrowing."

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

For the second time this year...

Vice President Dick Chaney was rushed to the hospital after his 24 hour medical team detected a heart beat...the VP was quickly rushed into the ICU where an electrical charge was applied that quickly ceased the pesky muscles' ominous rythem...the last time this happened 20,000 people died instantly and three small towns were completely oblitereated...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Just when was it that the Rebumblican party was taken over by Nazis...

even as McCain attempts to calm the near facist hysteria that his running mate Sarah "Goebles" Palin is attempting to spread, he is booed by his lemmings when he tries to bring this contest back into the realm of reality...

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

If there are any Rebumblicans...

who are watching John McCain talk and still don't see that he is a bumbling old fool, who is out of touch with reality they are as lost as he is...especially when he seems to be stuck  almost alsheimersly on the mantra that the surge worked in total disregard for what is now the circumstances on the ground in Iraq...his rambling responses and imbecilic train of thought make Rain-man seem like the greates orator of our time....

Sunday, October 05, 2008

somehow this made sense to McCain....

apparantly the new rebumblican paradigm is...

if you can't argue the facts, use sleazy attacks...Sarah has rubbed off the lipstick and revealed the inner trying to swift breast Obama with his supposed association with a domestic terrorist...who is presently a tenured professor at an accredited univeristy...apparantly the only youthfull indescretions that can be overlooked are on those of the uberright...Bush was never pressed on his cocain use or alcoholic frolics not to mention that he was a C student in school...or McCains drunken wench chasing days that deposited him at the bottom of his academic class...besides McCain was known to have hung out with a bunch of communists when they honored him with a room in a prestigeous hotel in Hanoi...anybody can distort the facts to their own means...just because you're a MILF doesn't get you a pass in my book...


Monday, September 29, 2008

Boo Hoo...

Nancy Pelosi hurt all the little rebumblicans feelings and they started crying...they grabbed their little balls and ran home...handing W a personal loss so great that his adiministration may go down as the worst in the history of the U.S.  My portfolio will surely recover, probably better than ever once the Democrats take control of the country from the incompetant...

Thursday, September 25, 2008


WaMu operations sold to J.P. Morgan after regulators seize control of Seattle bank

South Florida Business Journal - by Eric Engleman and Brian Bandell

J.P. Morgan Chase bought the bulk of Washington Mutual's banking operations Thursday in a deal orchestrated by federal regulators who had seized control of the troubled thrift.
If J.P. Morgan Chase keeps WaMu's South Florida branches, it will emerge as a major new competitor in the region. WaMu had 125 branches and $8.8 billion in deposits in the three-county South Florida market on June 30, 2007, according to the FDIC. That placed it third in South Florida in both categories, behind Charlotte, N.C.-based rivals Wachovia and Bank of America.
In a sign of the WaMu's worsening condition, regulators said it had lost $16.7 billion in deposits since Sept. 15. Saying WaMu had insufficient liquidity to meet its obligations and was "in an unsafe and unsound condition to transact business," the federal Office of Thrift Supervision closed the bank and appointed the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. as receiver. The FDIC held a bidding process that ended in the sale to J.P. Morgan.
WaMu had a 6.13 percent nonaccrual rate in its $52.9 billion option adjustable rate mortgage portfolio in the second quarter. In a list of metropolitan areas in the portfolio, South Florida's three counties had the highest delinquency rates with Miami-Dade performing the worst, at 12.84 percent. These are loans were borrowers can pay less than the monthly accrued interest for a period of time.
WaMu's shares plunged to 45 cents in after-hours trading Thursday as reports of the company's acquisition began circulating through the media. The stock was worth $1.69 at the close of trading Thursday. The 52-week high for WaMu shares was $36.47.
The FDIC said that people with WaMu loans should continue making their payments, as their agreements are still in force. As for interest rates, JPMorgan Chase will review those rates for WaMu customers starting Friday.
While all details of the deal weren't clear, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM) said it will pay $1.9 billion to the FDIC to acquire WaMu's deposits, branches and a loan portfolio valued at $176 billion. J.P. Morgan anticipates write-downs of about $30 billion on the loans. The acquisition doesn't include some assets and liabilities, which would remain in the holding company,

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is there any question...

about just how big and opportunist John McCain really is when after being contacted by Obama about a joint statement concerning the financial crises he then runs off and pre-empts everything to be the first to declare his decision to drop everything and concentrate on this dilemma...and then challenging Obama to do the call off the debate, costing the people of Mississippi millions of dollars...I worry about a candidate who can't handle more than one thing at a time...gawd even Bush managed to screw up a half a dozen items every day he was in office...


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Deja Vu all over again...

This is not the first financial scandal that has wracked the U.S. while under the steward ship of the Bush family...after what happened the last time a Bush was in the whithouse should be what is being talked about but that is not the's like history starts each time a Rebumblican takes many times do we let them take the wealth of the country and give it to their freinds...and they say Obama wants to redistribute wealth...all these companies getting  bailed out are sending their CEO's off with massive parachutes that are being funded by the taxpayer...
Not only should these and the other deals be scrutinized heavily in the future the entire Bush clan and Cheney as well should be investigated at least as thoroughly as Clinton was for merely getting a blow job in the oval office...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

At this point in his presidency...

they were making fun of Jimmy Carter for "hiding out in the Rose Garden" instead of facing the crises of the Iranian hostage situation...

White House alters defense of economy's strength
WASHINGTON – The White House throttled back its description of the U.S. economy on Wednesday, labeling it resilient enough to withstand some shocks to the system but refusing to say it is fundamentally sound — the phrase that has jolted the race for the presidency.
In defending the latest corporate rescue by the government, the White House put the country's economic state in a much more measured perspective.
Press secretary Dana Perino said "it's not clear-cut," but rather a mixed package of up-and-down economic measures, sometimes even on the same day.
"Our economy has the strength to be able to deal with these shocks," Perino said as financial markets were still reeling from corporate meltdowns.
The economic language that emerges from the White House is always important. It sends messages to the markets and to the masses. And it is designed to find a balance of boosting consumer confidence while also being candid enough to prevent President Bush from appearing out of touch.
When Republican presidential candidate John McCain declared Monday that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," it drew ridicule from Democratic opponent Barack Obama and his surrogates. McCain later said he meant that the fundamental strength of the American worker remained strong.
In fact, the phrase and variations of it long have been a favorite of Bush's. "I believe the foundations of this economy are strong," he said on July 31.
Given the political atmosphere, Perino declined to say whether the White House still stood by the statement.
"I recognize that this issue of `strength' has come into the 2008 election," she said. "I'm not going to try to get involved in it."
Even when reporters asked for the president's view of the economy regardless of the McCain-Obama race, Perino would not bite. "I know as soon as I say something you're going to turn it around and it will be a part of the 2008 campaign," she said. "I'm not going to play the game."
The last few weeks have seen enough Wall Street turmoil and corporate collapses to prompt a blitz of federal interventions under Bush's watch. It is the kind of taxpayer-supported help for the private sector that might seem at odds with Bush's conservative, free-market economic philosophy.
But Bush and his economic advisers say the government has stepped in to keep taxpayers from facing the potential of even worse problems.
The White House on Wednesday defended the latest action, an $85 billion emergency loan for insurance giant American International Group Inc. The government gets almost an 80 percent stake in the company, the most far-reaching intervention into the private sector ever for the Federal Reserve.
AIG teetered on the edge of failure because of stresses caused by the collapse of the subprime mortgage market and the credit crunch that ensued.
"While no one would have liked to have ended up in this situation, you have a government that is willing to lead," Perino said.
Bush however, was not willing to talk about it.
He has not fielded questions about the economic upheaval this week and even canceled a statement Tuesday. Reporters have tried each day. When one tried to press Bush in the Oval Office on Wednesday, he said he could not hear the question, and then made light of the moment by saying, "I'm old."
The president has not held a news conference since July.
There again, Perino said, Bush is reluctant to put himself in a position to face questions about the 2008 campaign. But given all the economic developments, she allowed, "I grant you that it's been a while, and I understand that people want to hear from the president during this time."
In the meantime, the president's chief spokeswoman was the one challenged about where all the government bailouts will end.
"I would be misleading you if I knew," she said. "What we are doing is taking this on a case-by-case basis, evaluating each one carefully."
Among those pleading for Washington's help, for instance, is the struggling U.S. auto industry, which has suffered massive losses but remains a backbone of the economy. A bill before Congress would give the companies $25 billion in federal loans.
As for AIG, Bush agreed with the loan on Tuesday after being presented with a recommendation from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke during a meeting of economic advisers. Perino said Bush's role was more consultative on the matter.
Because of AIG's size and scope, the possible failure of the company appeared to pose a greater risk than the $85 billion loan, she said. But while Perino said the terms require taxpayers to be paid back first, when asked whether taxpayers may not get their money back at all, she said, "That is true."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

the conservatives are being forced...

to argue semantics because they can't justify their positions on the issues...they just can't seem to get all the lipstick off...


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

McCain was giving out tire gauges...

when Obama suggested that keeping your tires inflated would save gas...maybe they could send out lipsticks with their campaign slogan on them...

Monday, September 08, 2008

This Modern World:

Always good for McCain.

What's the difference between Palin and Muslim fundamentalists? Lipstick

Sept. 9, 2008 | John McCain announced that he was running for president to confront the "transcendent challenge" of the 21st century, "radical Islamic extremism," contrasting it with "stability, tolerance and democracy." But the values of his handpicked running mate, Sarah Palin, more resemble those of Muslim fundamentalists than they do those of the Founding Fathers. On censorship, the teaching of creationism in schools, reproductive rights, attributing government policy to God's will and climate change, Palin agrees with Hamas and Saudi Arabia rather than supporting tolerance and democratic precepts. What is the difference between Palin and a Muslim fundamentalist? Lipstick.

Let's send them on the campaign to...

source Huffington post click here to learn bout the road...
where all the flip-floppers go when they attempt to say and do what they think their supporters want to hear in order to get elected...they wouldn't accept it from a bona-fide decorated war veteran like Kerry...why would they accept any less from least Kerry didn't admit to having engaged in the commission of war crimes...

Friday, September 05, 2008

seems to me...

that if the Dems were making this reference to Ms. Palen they would be getting pilloried by the Rebumblicans...
If the real thing dont do the trick
You better make up something quick
You gonna burn burn burn burn it to the wick
Ooooooh, barracuda?
heart, baracuda...


Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The whole time...

that W. was talking on the jumbotron during the RNC, I kept wondering when Hillary was going to come bounding down the center isle  and throw a 16 pound sledge hammer into the screen to free the captive minds of the rebumblican sheep bleeting in the audience...that they would wake up and join the anarchists in the streets to affect real change...

to listen to the Rebumblicans tell it...

you would think maybe they would be better off switching the ticket and havinig McCain be the VP and Palin take the party to new heights of quality and performance as the President...after all she was the
governor of Alaska and has all this experience...


Monday, September 01, 2008

If this is any indication...

of the process by which McCain would fill out the rest of his administration upon taking office, the predictions of a third Bush term would be easily correlated by these circumstances...

Old, Grizzled Third Party Candidate May Steal Support From McCain

Saturday, August 30, 2008

What Rebumblicans need to take with them to the polls

click on image

fastened securely to their nose when they cast their ballots...this solution is not sufficient for those numnuts who switched their votes because they could'nt vote for Hillary...

Who is Sarah Palin? Here's some basic background:
She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.1
Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.2
She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000. 3
Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.4
She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.5
She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.6
How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.7
This is information the American people need to see. Please take a moment to forward this email to your friends and family.
We also asked Alaska MoveOn members what the rest of us should know about their governor. The response was striking. Here's a sample:
She is really just a mayor from a small town outside Anchorage who has been a governor for only 1.5 years, and has ZERO national and international experience. I shudder to think that she could be the person taking that 3AM call on the White House hotline, and the one who could potentially be charged with leading the US in the volatile international scene that exists today. —Rose M., Fairbanks, AK
She is VERY, VERY conservative, and far from perfect. She's a hunter and fisherwoman, but votes against the environment again and again. She ran on ethics reform, but is currently under investigation for several charges involving hiring and firing of state officials. She has NO experience beyond Alaska. —Christine B., Denali Park, AK
As an Alaskan and a feminist, I am beyond words at this announcement. Palin is not a feminist, and she is not the reformer she claims to be. —Karen L., Anchorage, AK
Alaskans, collectively, are just as stunned as the rest of the nation. She is doing well running our State, but is totally inexperienced on the national level, and very much unequipped to run the nation, if it came to that. She is as far right as one can get, which has already been communicated on the news. In our office of thirty employees (dems, republicans, and nonpartisans), not one person feels she is ready for the V.P. position.—Sherry C., Anchorage, AK
She's vehemently anti-choice and doesn't care about protecting our natural resources, even though she has worked as a fisherman. McCain chose her to pick up the Hillary voters, but Palin is no Hillary. —Marina L., Juneau, AK
I think she's far too inexperienced to be in this position. I'm all for a woman in the White House, but not one who hasn't done anything to deserve it. There are far many other women who have worked their way up and have much more experience that would have been better choices. This is a patronizing decision on John McCain's part- and insulting to females everywhere that he would assume he'll get our vote by putting "A Woman" in that position.—Jennifer M., Anchorage, AK
So Governor Palin is a staunch anti-choice religious conservative. She's a global warming denier who shares John McCain's commitment to Big Oil. And she's dramatically inexperienced.
In picking Sarah Palin, John McCain has made the religious right very happy. And he's made a very dangerous decision for our country.
In the next few days, many Americans will be wondering what McCain's vice-presidential choice means. Please pass this information along to your friends and family.
Thanks for all you do.
–Ilyse, Noah, Justin, Karin and the rest of the team
1. "Sarah Palin," Wikipedia, Accessed August 29, 2008
2. "McCain Selects Anti-Choice Sarah Palin as Running Mate," NARAL Pro-Choice America, August 29, 2008
3. "Sarah Palin, Buchananite," The Nation, August 29, 2008
4. "'Creation science' enters the race," Anchorage Daily News, October 27, 2006
5. "Palin buys climate denial PR spin—ignores science," Huffington Post, August 29, 2008
6. "McCain VP Pick Completes Shift to Bush Energy Policy," Sierra Club, August 29, 2008
"Choice of Palin Promises Failed Energy Policies of the Past," League of Conservation Voters, August 29, 2008
"Protecting polar bears gets in way of drilling for oil, says governor," The Times of London, May 23, 2008
7 "McCain met Palin once before yesterday," MSNBC, August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

John McCain 3 am Ad

It's must be confusing for conservatives, who have based their whole point of view on the fact they believe that Hillary is a blantant liar...,to now embrace and nod their heads in agreement with her in the current McCain ad...maybe they will demand McCain choose her for his V.P.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The most qualified candidate for McCains V.P.

Last year, the biggest oil companies made almost $150 billion in profits

—an all-time record.1 But our friends at the Center for American Progress just released a report showing that John McCain wants to give them even more—$39 billion in tax cuts and subsidies.2
It's a stark choice: we can invest in solar panels on our roofs. Wind farms powering our homes. Plug-in hybrids that use barely any gas. New, green jobs revitalizing our communities. Or we can follow John McCain's plan, and keep giving billions of our tax dollars to oil companies.
On Tuesday, we're holding rallies across the country to call for a shift to a clean energy economy—and to make sure voters know John McCain would rather give our tax dollars to help Big Oil than invest in cheap, clean alternatives to oil.
John McCain plans to continue supporting Big Oil profits over clean energy progress—new data for California shows how many millions of our state tax dollars McCain would funnel to Big Oil, and just what that money could do if we used it locally on new clean energy projects. How many windmills. How many houses we could weatherize. How much of an investment we could make in geothermal energy. How many jobs we'd create.
Right now, before the major campaign ad spending starts, may be our last chance to help people see through the rhetoric to the truth: John McCain is on Big Oil's side, not ours. We can have a clean energy future—but not if we elect a candidate who's committed to the policies of the past
1. "Big Oil Earned $236 Per American Driver In The Last Year," Center for American Progress Action Fund, July 31, 2008
2. "The True Cost of McCain's Oil Industry Subsidies for Every State," Center for American Progress Action Fund, August 11, 2008


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Is the Bush administration laying the groundwork for a massive illegal immigrant amnesty...

Mukasey rules out prosecutions from hiring scandal
Reuters – U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey speaks about the Administration's legal approach in the conflict 
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Former U.S. Justice Department officials who improperly used political criteria in hiring decisions for career lawyers and immigration judges will not be prosecuted, Attorney General Michael Mukasey said on Tuesday.
The department recently issued reports detailing misconduct in hiring practices mainly by top aides to former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who resigned last year. While there was wrongdoing and "a failure of supervision by senior officials in the department," the conduct was not criminal, Mukasey said in a speech.
"Where there is enough evidence to charge someone with a crime, we vigorously prosecute," he told the American Bar Association annual meeting in New York. "But not every wrong, or even every violation of the law, is a crime. In this instance, the two joint reports found only violations of the civil service laws."
The Justice Department's internal investigation concluded that high-ranking officials injected politics into what should have been nonpartisan hiring decisions. Both department policy and federal law bar the use of politics in making decisions on hiring for career jobs.
Justice Department Inspector General Glenn Fine has previously told Congress he did not see a sufficient basis for prosecution of the former officials, saying the violations did not involve criminal laws.
Mukasey also said on Tuesday he disagreed with critics who have suggested that people hired through the flawed process should be fired or moved to different jobs.
"Two wrongs do not make a right," he said. He said it would be "unfair, and quite possibly illegal given their civil service protections, to fire them or to reassign them without individual cause."
(Editing by David Wiessler)…


Sunday, August 03, 2008

What makes you think

John McCain has any higher regard for you than he has for the children of his rich influential you suppose that McCain still thinks he is in that little cement room being tormented by his NVA interrogators...maybe he thinks this is all just a rouse to get him to tell his secrets...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

John McCain chooses

Ted Stevens of Alaska as his runnng mate for the 2008 presidential election stating "He's a very gifted politician...he will bring a lot to the campaign..."


Monday, July 21, 2008

just the facts

The new rebumblingcon talking points are: no decisions about leaving Ireq will be revealed to the press until we know the facts on the ground...Bush is mumbling about not offering a time line...but he will talk about a horizontal increment of numeration determined by the progression of activies....based on facts on the ground...
How may facts does the McCaination need to see lying dead on the ground before he accepts our success in the battle for freedom and's always better to go out on a high note than to wait around until you have jumped the shark...


Friday, July 18, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The trouble is...

at some point in time this guy probably was one of those kids you saw jumping up down while our troops were handing out the free chickens to the locals in those P.R. videos the Bush administration handed out to show how much the poor little victims appreciated being americanized...

and if his Al Kaida handlers could see him now they would probably cut his head off...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

typical conservative politics...

SAN DIEGO (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama played down a controversy in Germany over whether he should speak at Berlin's historic Brandenburg Gate, saying he did not want the venue to distract from his message
Obama's tentative plans to hold a speech in late July at the Brandenburg Gate have exposed simmering tensions in the German government, an uneasy alliance between the main conservative and centre-left parties.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said on Wednesday that she frowned on any speech at the gate, a symbol of German unity.
Asked during a flight to San Diego on Saturday night whether he wanted to speak at the Brandenburg Gate, Obama said the message was more important than the venue of the speech.
"We had been trying to coordinate with folks on the ground in terms of finding an appropriate site, but we didn't have a particular site in mind," Obama said. "I want to make sure that my message is heard as opposed to creating a controversy."
"Our goal is just for me to lay out how I think about the next administration's role in rebuilding our trans-Atlantic alliance. And so I don't want the venue to be a distraction," he said.
Obama, a first term Illinois senator, is planning a trip to Europe and the Mideast this summer to bolster his foreign policy credentials -- one of the strong points of his Republican opponent, John McCain, in the November election.
The German government has denied that Washington put pressure on Merkel to block the proposed Obama speech. German newspapers reported Bush administration officials had signaled their reservations about Obama speaking at the landmark.
A conservative ally of Merkel said on Saturday Obama should not speak at the Brandenburg Gate because he played no role in German unification.
A focal point of Cold War tensions, West Berlin was kept free during a Soviet blockade six decades ago by a U.S.-led Air Lift. Since then, American leaders from John Kennedy to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have delivered major speeches in Berlin.
(reporting by Claudia Parsons; editing by David Wiessler


Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Two crocodiles were sitting at the side of the swamp near the  lake.

 The smaller one turned to the bigger one and said,  "I can't

 understand how you can be so much bigger than me. We're the same

 age; we  were the same size as kids. I just don't get it."

 "Well," said the big croc, "what have you been eating?" 

 "Politicians, same as you," replied the small croc.

Hmm. Well, where do you catch them?" "Down the other side of the
swamp near 

the parking lot by the capitol.""Same here. Hmm. How do you catch

"Well, I crawl up under one of their Lexus cars and wait for

one to unlock the car door Then I jump out, grab them by the leg,

shake the shit out of them and eat 'em!"  "Ah!" said the big
crocodile, "I

think I see your problem. You're not getting any real nourishment.
See, by 

the time you finish shaking the shit out of a politician, there's

left but an asshole and a briefcase."


Bush Tours America To Survey Damage

Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Disastrous Presidency

Monday, June 30, 2008

it's not swifboating...

when you merely state the obvious...that just because you are a decoroated war veteran who spent time as a P.O.W. doesn't automatically qualifiy you to be the leader of the greatest nation in the free world...



Friday, June 27, 2008

If you've never seen it

there's a program on tv called Intervention that purports to follow some poor sap around under the guise of a documentary film crew, supposedly to chronicle the life of an addict. The individual haplessly exposes his innermost feelings and vulnerabilities all the while exhibiting the self centered mindset that it's everyone Else's problem and not theirs, that they aren't hurting anybody but themselves and not seeing the pain they are really causing everybody...then they are subjected to a round table of their friends and relatives who attempt to enlighten the victim and steer them into therapy and hopefully free them of the monkey they so happily seem to want to carry around on their back.

President Bush, in one of his many speeches, pointed out that the U.S. was addicted to oil and that something needed to be done, and that's as far as it got...

All the little Republicans continued on their merry little way, bee-boppin and skit-skattin while they lost everything they held dear, giving all their wealth to foreigners so they could feed their habit for the good life...

And now, just like the addict in the program, they are suddenly faced with the hard cruel reality of the situation and they exhibit the very same behavior that the the victim does...surprise, denial, rage at the cost of their addiction, the guilt of everyone but them. All they can think of to scream is we need more, more, more...when instead they should have been looking for the cure to their ills...and endeavored to develop alternatives they fought tooth and nail to derail them...

And even in the face of reality, with all those near and dear in attendance they can only think of one thing...we need to drill for more oil. Waste the nations beauty and resources to suit their selfish needs...People with vast wealth whining that they can't fuel their great big SUV's because of the price of gasoline when for the price of the precious fuel they pay to fill up the vehicle would more than make the payment on an alternative energy automobile...The could still keep the land yaht for special needs.

So until they realize that we don't need more drilling but more research and a lot more development, they won't come to grips with the depth of their dilemma...and maybe we will all be a little better off...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Why do they continue to waste our time and money...

constantly whining that not being able to drill in the pristine wilderness or awesome grandeur of the California coastline is causing the price of gasoline to go throught the roof.
This is all just the latest chapter of the Republicrackhead party to obfuscate the real problems that are facing this nation in the rundown to the selection of the next man to run the greatest nation on earth...
The oil men in the white house are merely trying to line their pockets with as much moolah as they can in the waneing days of their failed regime much as Saddam did with the billions he hid in the sand on his way out...
The real controversy over drilling in the wilderness isn't about getting the oil out as much as securing it so that it cannot be drilled thereby driving the cost of energy even higher...
The price of a gallon of gas is where it's at due to the bungling of this administrations handling of the economy and the war...the dollar is in the crapper and we are spending an even greater sum to maintain our occupation forces in Iraq...all the while Afghanistan slowly slips into chaos...
Only when we tell these slackers to get off their asses and deal with the real problems confronting the nation will the situation get any better...the first step is to get the obstructionists out...when we stop worrying about who's putting their hand over their flag pins while they are saying the pledge while standing on a monument of the ten commandments during a homosexual wedding will the nation be able to move forward and resolve some the problems facing us...


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Voting Republican

You would have to be seriously simpleminded to believe

that if the oil companies had access to all the oil the republicans want to give them that they would be any more inclined to sell it for less than the going all reality they would only be reporting even more egregiously obscene profits and the price of gas at the pump would still be going through the roof...

The only way to persuade them to reduce the price is to show em we don't need do that we need to develope other forms of energy to propell our autos and support our living needs...

The price of gas is where it's at not because of lack of supply but lack of intellegence at the top tiers of our government and their policies...instability in the world is causing the price of fuel to rise more than the availability of crude...

Only when we get the oil men and their cronies out of the white house and we keep them out will we be able to more clearly see the path to energy independence...

The oil companies aren't even drilling in the areas they have available to them...

We need leadership that recognizes the need for a new national urgency much like we saw in the sixties when we were confronted with the prospects of being second world wide in the exploration of space...

We need leadership who are committed to seeing the U.S. independent of fossil fuels by the end of the decade...more oil wells won't accomplish the dream...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Bush attends groundbreaking for $100M 'earmark'

By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press Writer
Wed Jun 4, 7:56 PM ET
WASHINGTON - President Bush is on a crusade against lawmakers' pet projects, but on Thursday he plans to attend a groundbreaking ceremony for a $100 million whopper that was slipped into a spending bill almost four years ago.
The new headquarters for the U.S. Institute of Peace will be a dramatic addition to the Washington skyline, designed by world-renowned architect Moshe Safdie. Additional privately-raised funds bring the total cost of the project to $185 million, institute spokesman Ian Larsen says.
Bush will be joined by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., who have a far more sympathetic view of Congress' parochial ways than does the president.
Also slated to attend were two less conspicuous but significantly more important players in getting the project its $100 million: former Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, and Jim Dyer, the former top Appropriations Committee aide who helped grease support in the House for the project.
The project — an "earmark" in congressional parlance — raised eyebrows when it was funded in November 2004 as part of a massive omnibus spending bill. It was unusually large, and unlike many earmarks, its top sponsors remained silent about their roles. Only later did it become clear that it was mostly Stevens' doing.
The earmark was one of the last items slipped into the catchall spending bill late at night in House-Senate negotiations, a practice advocates of earmark reform slam because any opponents of such pet projects are denied any chance to try to strip them out of a bill.
It was contained in a hastily-assembled miscellaneous title of the omnibus, studded with cross-outs and handwritten language, including one provision containing Dyer's name and fax number.
The White House calls the project "excellent and important" and dismisses any suggestion that appearing at the groundbreaking ceremony conflicts with the president's ongoing anti-earmark crusade.
"Even if this project were funded through a so-called earmark, it does not make it a bad project unworthy of the president," said White House budget office spokeswoman Corinne Hirsch. "Yes, it should have been funded through regular appropriations, but we can support a project and still disagree with the exact method in which it was funded."
The U.S. Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan, national institution established by Congress. Its Web site says its "goals are to help prevent and resolve violent international conflicts, promote post-conflict stability and development, and increase peacebuilding capacity."
The institute was the facilitating organization for the Iraq Study Group that was co-chaired by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Rep. Lee H. Hamilton, D-Ind

Monday, June 02, 2008

When Senator Ted Kennedy

Came out of the hospital , turned to his wife and told her he felt like a million bucks, she told him "I'm sorry you feel so poorly, I hope you feel better soon"...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monica Lewinsky was looking at herself

After a relaxing bath, Monica Lewinsky was looking at herself, nude in a mirror.  Her frustration over her lack of ability to lose weight was depressing her.  In an act of desperation, she decided to call on God for help.

God, if you take away my love handles, I'll devote my life to you, she prayed.

And just like that her ears fell off.

Friday, May 16, 2008

You could have heard a pin drop

When in England at a fairly large conference, Colin Powell was asked
  by the Archbishop of Canterbury if our plans for Iraq were just an
  example of empire building' by George Bush.
      He answered by saying, 'Over the years, the United States has sent many of its fine young men and women into great peril to fight for freedom beyond our borders. The only amount of land we have ever asked for in return is enough to bury those that did not return.
,,,,,,,, You could have heard a pin drop. 
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Then there wa s a conference in France where a number of international engineers were taking part, including French and American. During a  break one of the French engineers came back into t he room saying  'Have you heard the latest dumb stunt Bush has done? He has sent an  aircraft carrier to Indonesia to help the tsunami victims. What does  he intended to do, bomb them?' A Boeing engineer stood up and replied  quietly: 'Our carriers have three hospitals on board that can treat  several hundred people; they are nuclear powered and can supply  emergency electrical power to shore facilities; they h ave three  cafeterias with the capacity to feed 3,000 people three meals a day,  they can produce several thousand gallons of fresh water from sea  water each day, an d they carry half a dozen helicopters for use in  transporting victims and injured to and from their flight deck.. We  have eleven such ships; how many does France have?' 
.............You could have heard a pin drop. 
  A U. S. Navy Admiral was attending a naval conference t hat included  Admirals from the U. S. , English, Canadian, Australian and French  Navies. At a cocktail reception, he found himself standing with a  large group of Officers that included personnel from most of those  countries. Everyone was chatting away in English as they sipped their  drinks but a French admiral suddenly complained that, 'whereas  Europeans learn many languages, Americans learn only English.' He  then asked, 'Why is it that we always have to speak English in these  conferences rather than speaking French?' Without hesitating, the  American Admiral replied 'Maybe it's because the Brits, Canadians,  Aussies and Americans arranged it so you wouldn't have to speak  German.'
.......... You could have heard a pin drop. 
 A group of Americans, retired teachers, recently went to France on a
  tour. Robert Whiting, an elderly gentleman of 83, arrived in Paris by  plane. At French C ustoms, he took a few minutes to locate his
passport in his carry on. 'You have been to France before, monsieur?'  the customs officer asked sarcastically. Mr. Whiting admitted t hat he  had been to France previously. 'Then you should know enough to have  your passport ready.' The American said, 'The last time I was here, I  didn't have to show it.' 'Impossible. Americans always have to show  your passports on arrival in France !' The American senior gave the  Frenchman a long hard look. Then he quietly explained. 'Well, when I  came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in '44 to help liberate this  country, I couldn't find any damn Frenchmen to show it to.'
 .............. You could have heard a pin drop