just exactly when it was the the paradigm shift occured that now presents us with a conservative community that has become a bunch of chicken littles running around waving their wings in the air clucking that the end of democracy,and hence civilization, is at hand...
Back when bush was busy giving all the treasure to the rich elite and the lowly iraqis they were wailing that it was unpatriotic to bash the president and down right treasonous to oppose the war.
Now, every word out of hannity's mouth is a slight to the president and his family or some other trite comparison to similarities to soviet russia, and glen beck is pointing to stallin as a familiar point of reference in describing Obama...
They would like nothing more than to put up as many road blocks in the way of recovery to support their premis that the Democrats are going to screw up the world and the U.S.
Yet they were whooping and gladhanding each other when bush gave away the surplus's to the wealthy in the form of taxbreaks and no bid contracts for the war he created to make his friends and cohorts happy that they subverted the democratic process and raped the constitution...
They thought it was great when bush brought rummy, wolfowitz, armatege, pearle and the rest of the neocons in to run the country for him and gave him eight years in which he completely destroyed this country...yet they didn't even giv Obama 10 days before they declared his presidency a disaster...
They rant and rave about Pelosi like she is the devil in carnate yet they seem to embrace on the Faux Noise channel that Rove, Gringrinch and dennis hastert are nearly as beloved as the great reagan...they even embrace traitors like oliver north who was instrumental in trading weapons on the behalf of reagan to Iran, as well as terrorists in South America the Iran/Contra disaster...
Now that the Conservative have embraced the likes of Boss Limpbaugh as their spokes person with michael steele as the lawn jockey they have lost all rights to the high ground. When they espouse a higher moral authority by demanding that women yield to their taliban like attitudes concerning their own bodies by decrying that abortion is murder yet they have no qualms about murdering innocent civilians in the name of the noble war...the Ten Commandments state that thou shall not kill, not thou shall not kill unless it suits your needs...
It's ok for them to drop the switch on ten innocent men as long as they get the one guilty one. As we all became aware, bush was the most executionist governor in texas history and he never put an innocent man to death, just ask him...maybe at the same time you can ask him about the WMD's.
Most of the time it seems like the Rebumblicans don't even realize that when they are speaking they are being recorded and that their words will come back when their lies and distortions are exposed...
A least now there is a chance we will get some of our money back,the money is at least going out in the form of loans not just in giveaways to the cronies, affiliates and buddies...
Only time will tell if this new adminstration will succeed or fail but I am at least willing to give him at least the first hundred days before I declare the patient dead...they gave bush eight years and then still wanted more.
now take a moment and visit the Jimbozone.com 
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