The day has come, finally...all the campaigning, shouting, mudslinging, baby kissing, rubber chicken eating, glad handing, back slapping, speech giving, conspiracy intriguing, lying and general business as usual political theater has culminated to this one day when all who want to can go and cast their vote for the liar of their choice...
Luckily in my neck of the woods either most people voted absentee or didn't vote because I was able to just wisk in and vote...took all of 10 minutes and it was done...
Now the real drama starts as the parties try to dismiss as many of the voters decisions on the other parties lists as they can...hopefully the old folks in florida and the rubes in Ohio will have learned their lessons of the past and been a little more carefull in their procedures...
Let the best man take the mantle and proceed to bring this nation from the brink...who ever he is the time when we should put all this partisan rancor behind us and fall in behind the man that ascends to the position of the most powerful man in all the free world...neither man is totally capable to assume the burden by himself and thusly must surroung himself with the best advise he can assemble...we have seen what can happen when he listens to bad advise...