Thursday, July 15, 2004

Everything seems to be a surprise to this administraion...
lets analyze this from the beginning...
Bush entered the office of the president haveing received less votes than his opponent, chosen by the Supreme Court
immediately he began to reward those who selected him by giving away all the savings that had been built up in the previous 8 years...the average joe got a few hundred dollars reward while the likes of Bill Clinton reaped upwards of $86,000...all the while maintaining that there was no recession until it crept up behind him and bit him on the butt while he wasn't looking...
His #2, meanwhile was meeting with his old cronies plotting how they were going to reward California for betraying the old guard...and suddenly there wasn't enough power to go around and prices went into orbit...
Then Al kaida struck, while the Pres was asleep at the wheel, and started world war three...
who would have thought that if we armed and trained the monsterAl Kaidastien to help them defeat the Russians they would eventually turn this on us...we had to go in and kill the monster. Unfortuantely, instead of ridding the world of terrorist, we killed everybody but the terrorists who managed to escape and wage their war where we couldn't find them...
way back when we had this animosity toward the Iranians because they didn't like our choice for their leadership in the person of the Shaw, who liked to round up citizens and torture them. So we built the new monster. Saddamstien was our creation, built to take care of the Iranians...we didn't seem to mind at the time the manner in which he did it...but as most monsters do Saddamstien went rogue and chose not to cooperate with the U.S. anymore, and he became an enemy that needed to be replaced with someone who would be our new best friend...
listening for what he wanted to hear, Bush ignored the good intelligence and relied on his own faulty intelligence and attacked Iraq turning it into an incubater and magnet for terrorist...As bad a Saddamstien was he was better able to control the midevel mindset of the middle east....
The Conclusion that must be drawn from all this is that Bush, while not necessarily lying to the people, has definately made too many blunders to  excuse him.  We need to get some intelligence back into the White House before anything worse happens...
Lets hope this adminstration doesn't decide that it is necessary to elliminate the  V.P. before the election...It would be tragic to have Cheney conveniently have a "heart attack" before the election so that Bush doesn't have him as a liability...

Wednesday, July 14, 2004