Thursday, January 10, 2008

Here they go

the pundirazzi have shown they are going to rival the paps in their level of pulcritude and ineptitude

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

American Politics

The pundits certainly are living up to their reputations for ineptitude this election cycle by rushing around waving charts, flying logos and chirons proclaiming their conclusions only to be shown for what dolts their really are...

If this is any indication of what the rest of the year is going to be like, we would be best served by not letting them anywhere near the polls during the contests...

The hipocrit conservatives and the flacid liberals are falling all over themselves trying to distinguish themselves only to end up humiliated...

The radical right so desperatly wants Obama to be the choice of the Democrats because they believe it would be easier lynch the black man than to try and rape the "crying bitch" public... espescially that shit for brains Bill Crystal.

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