As we most probably are, we are going to need the conservatives to get on board and start to cooperate with administration in stead of trying to find ways to sabotage it in hopes of regaining the white house...American service personnel lives are at stake and we can't have the Republicans being such obstructionists...
The strategy can't be just a matter of throwing more troops into the fray with out a strategic plan...that's been the plan for the last eight years and it hasn't worked...we can't keep using the militray on the ground as human mine sweepers and bullet catchers.
It's time to truly evaluate the threat and take it out...recently it was postulated that we needed 40 thousand more troops to help protect the afghan people...this is not the mission, we are there to search out the enemey(taliban and Al Kaida) not police the local factions and prevent conflicts between them. Sharper focus on the task at hand and less bickering by selfinterested politicians should be the order of the day. Less name calling on the floor of the congress and a little more cooperation like we witnessed when we were thrust into the quagmires.
Some policians on the Right would like nothing more than take the next eight years and fritter them away trying block any progress that would mean real meaningfull reform to benefit the American people all the while trying to rush more money and resources to "protect the Ahghan people".
We have see that more technology and less troops in the fight on terrorism is the far better course to pursue in the endeavor. Roadside bombs and snipers bullets are useless against unmanned drones and specialized forces. Tactical and surgical operations are far better than routine patroling by squads of cannon fodder in an attempt to foster friendship and allegiance from the locals as they hate us as much as the hostiles and will only cooperate with us so that we won't kill them as well.
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