Well...We made it through another year mostly unscathed. Mostly none the worse for wear.

We have a new year ahead of us and only the most contentous election to come along since the Supremes anointed George the fecond to office in 2000. Let me see...do I want the coked out neophite, the embattled power whore or any one of the republican hacks that represent the worst cadre of worthless propagandists to pop up in the political whack-a-polemic contest since the dawn of man...
I suppose I will vote for Hillary just so I can see the likes of Bill O'rally and Shame O'hammy's head explode at the prospet of another Clinton in the Whitehouse...After the longest 8 years I have ever endured she couldn't possibly screw up any more than thay have...
2007 was pretty good for my portfolio and I can only hope that that continues this year...If we stop dumping all our precious lives and riches in pointless wars and foreign aid to our enemies maybe I can actually believe that I might have the money I need when I retire...hopefully I won't get sick or injured before the Republicrats leave office and someone implements some real healthcare reform...
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