If any believe that Stay the Course is still the best policy, they should get out of their pundit chairs and take up the cause...I could support a war that had the likes of Sean Hannity, Rich Lowery and the rest of the armchair generals standing around waiting for the snipers bullet or the roadside bomb, or even the infamous homicide bomber...the last being the most humorous of the nom de guerre given by the Fux gnus channel...Tim McVey was a homicide bomber because he was such a coward as to leave the bomb in front of the building...those in Iraq splatter their own guts all over the place and that is why they are called Suicide bombers...I'm not defending the creeps but just trying to expose the hypocricy of the rightous right...They want the 10 commandments plastered all over the place but they don't seem to want to read them or follow them...
Bring the troops home now...if Syria or Iran attempt to interferre in the region we can then take care of them in the appropriate way, but right now they are playing this president for the fool...lets get back to what the U.S.A. is best at, assasination. It's obvious that this little commander in chief and his band bumbling staff haven't got a clue about how to accomplish anything else...spending trillions overseas isn't making the homefront any safer as evidenced by the bozo with the plan to grenade the malls...
Until we know what "win" means to a conserviative like Bush and his appoligists we are doomed to endless conflict and loss of American life in the Arab Badlands...If "win" means to stand there until the last man standing uses the last bullet on himself, like Custer at the Little Big horn, then the American dream will become a night mare...
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